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Where young people are shown the love of Jesus and encouraged to follow Him


The Vine Final LogoThursday 7PM

The Vine is a weekly group for all girls aged 11+, no matter where they are in their faith journey. The group gives the opportunity to socialise, ask questions, and to have fun during the week. Inspired by John 15:5, we want to encourage everyone to see how following Jesus leads to fruitfulness in all areas of life. The evening has an open and accepting environment where we will explore difficult topics, answer any questions about life, faith, friendships etc. and share in sisterhood together. We will have a range of different activities each week including games, creative projects, bible studies, discussions, testimonies and learning ways to create and maintain habits in prayer and reading the Bible that help deepen our relationship with God. And of course, there will be drinks and snacks :) Thursdays 7pm


Sunday 11.15AM

Live Loud for School Years 7-9
Discussion, teaching and fun through interactive talks, creativity, worship and games, all with a common theme :what it means to follow Jesus.

Sunday Squad for School Years 10-13
We want to be a group who love Jesus, and to learn what that means in practise. We love creative, fun and interactive ways of exploring biblical & worldly themes. Along with a bag of Haribo or 2!


 Sunday 5.30PM

 Illuminate, Evening Service 

 An interactive, intergenerational and informal evening service. A great place to start or end your week on a high! 
 Our aim is to have a service relevant and enjoyable for young people Teen to 30 years old, we get lots of families attending this service together and every   week our service ends with hot food for all, what more could you ask for! See you at Church!




Scouting Groups

Scouts aged 10½-14 Fridays 7.30 - 9.15pm
Explorers aged 14-18 Fridays 7.30 - 9.15pm 
The 29th Purley Scouts (and Purley Cross Explorers) are based at Purley Baptist Church, and meet weekly in term time. PBC sponsor our group and section leaders are members of PBC. We offer fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and skills for life, helping young adults to reach their full potential, get jobs, save lives and even change the world. 


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Get involved - adults please volunteer!

We need lots of amazing people to help run activities, and thankfully we already have an incredible team, why not be part of it?
All leaders have been checked through the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS), worship regularly at PBC and follow our Safeguarding policies to ensure safety of our young people. 
We are always pleased when more people want to get involved. Some roles draw on your existing skills while others require additional leadership training. If you are interested in exploring the opportunities and options available please contact our Youth Worker Charlie at

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