4th October 2024 |
'Shock and Awe'
Last weekend was overwhelming. I have a vague memory of mentioning that I'd been in full-time church leadership for 25 years to someone or perhaps in a moment of reflection during a sermon but it certainly wasn't at the forefront of my mind. So, I certainly wasn't expecting the wave of love and gratitude that poured over me. It all started on the Friday evening when I thought we were going to Chris and Jean Aspinwall's for a meal - which is indeed what happened except that we were joined by lots of dear friends who had gathered in a surprise party. I don't remember feeling so shocked (in a good way) in a long time. Several people evidently gained great pleasure from seeing me speechless for once.
As if this wasn't enough, the whole church family got in on the act during the Sunday services. Kind and encouraging words spoken to me and Naomi, more of them in an online card and an amazingly generous gift from you all. It'll take me some time to process all of this but in the meantime - THANK YOU.
A few reflections:
Pastoral ministry is by no means easy but it is a great privilege. After 25 years I feel as though I'm just getting the hang of it!
The relationship between a church and pastor functions best when the congregation makes sure the pastor is well taken care of and appreciated while the pastor serves selflessly. You are keeping your end of this bargain very well.
I often pray that the Lord will make me fruitful for Him but it is sometimes hard to believe that this actually might be happening. That God could use even me (with all my shortcomings) to achieve His kingdom purposes in the lives of others is an overwhelming thought - it fills me with awe. And it might be worth mentioning that if He can use me then he can certainly use you too.
16th February 2024 |
A 'guest' post from Chris Giles:
This devotional focuses on 40 lesser-known characters in Scripture. It's a must read (although I may be biased - Grace is a dear friend). 'So many wonderful, brave and challenging characters in Scripture paly 'second fiddle'.' They are not seen as main characters but without them God's purposes for mankind would not have been fulfilled. Never say that your life is not important to God, like many of of these heroes and heroines, your life was intended to change the world! Grace explores the different aspects of a person's life and uses the learning to both challenge our Christian walk and our service to others. An excellent resource for personal study - life group sessions - and even, perhaps, the odd sermon!
The best news of all... You can access the book (free of charge) here |
24th January 2024 |
Just finished this wonderful book on prayer. In 32 short and readable chapters, Paul Miller takes us on a tour of his understanding and experience of prayer. He combines passion for prayer with a commitment to both scripture and reality. His prayer life and the reflections contained in the book are rooted in honest reflection on the every day challenges he faces including parenting a spirited autistic daughter.
At turns the book is inspiring, illuminating and moving. If you need fresh encouragement to pray, this book will serve you well. |
18th January 2024 |
Was given this short book at a Christmas event we hosted at PBC on behalf of Christians Against Poverty (CAP). It is an excellent thing!
I'm a big fan of CAP. They express God's concern for the poor through wise and generous practical assistance and by calling people to respond to the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This little book will remind you of the love that our Father God has for the poor and why generous care for the poor is critical for the mission of the church and indeed for the health of the church. I'd be delighted if every member of our church were to read this prayerfully. |
24th November 2023 |
Fasting is a neglected spiritual practice among many evangelical Christians and yet, as Arthur Wallis shows, it is an essential part of a healthy spiritual rhythm. This simple book lays out clear biblical teaching, sound practical advice and invites and inspires the reader to embrace the opportunities that fasting offers. I'd love everyone at PBC (and beyond) to read this and adopt this challenging and wonderful discipline. |
21st November 2023 |
Wonderful sermon from Michele Bailey on Sunday morning. You can watch it on our YouTube channel but in case you'd prefer to read it the text version is here |
8th November 2023 |
Another marvellous book from the unusually named Preston Sprinkle. This one deals comprehensively yet sensitively with the the question of gender identity and transexuality. This book is a gift to concerned and confused Christians His conclusions are generous, wise, thoughtful, faithful to Scripture and steeped in both serious scholarship and authentic relationships with those for whom this is a personal issue.
Highly recommended! |
8th August 2023 |
Tim Keller, the founder and long time pastor of Redeemer Church in New York, died recently. His impact upon American and UK Christianity is hard to over-estimate. If you are keen to source healthy Christian teaching then you could do a lot worse than spend a few weeks / months trawling through his books and online sermons. Tim Allen lent me this book and I found it interesting, inspiring and challenging. Things I learnt:
?Keller was a hard working pastor who studied and prayed hard in order to bring fruitful spiritual insights to his flock.
Keller's list of influences include: C S Lewis, John Stott, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Taylor, Tom Wright, Miroslav Wolf.
Keller paid particular attention to contextualisation - the process of presenting the gospel in meaningful and relevant terms.
He appears to have been a person of genuine humility.
He faced ill-health and ultimately death with courage and acceptance.
This book is probably most suitable for those in Christian leadership or aspiring to it. I got the lasting impression that Keller was not so much brilliant as faithful, thoughtful, diligent and prayerful. These qualities can be very useful to God! |
I heard Ray Ortlund speak at the Keswick Convention some years ago. He is in his seventies but his passion for the glory of Christ and the holiness of His people remains undimmed if this book is anything to go by. It is a quick read addressing one of the worst aspects of Western culture. He paints an inspiring picture of men supporting one another to resist the allure of porn. He provides plenty of spiritual resources for the fight including:
deep reflection upon the human value (royalty) of those being enslaved, exploited and abused by this wicked industry.
much inspiration and encouragement to fight against lust and to fight for Kingdom nobility and purity
instruction from scripture and reassurance that the Lord is bigger and stronger than our 'lizard sexuality' as he calls it
If you struggle with porn (and many of us do) or more generally with lust (and all, or almost all of us do) then read this book. Then read it again - and may the Lord teach us how to 'blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and corrupt generation.' |
7th July 2023 |
Another wonderful book!
The Common Rule makes a great companion to John Mark Comer's The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Justin Earley shares his own journey into meltdown through over-activity / driven-ness / stress and pressure / distractedness / self-medicating. He is very honest about the bad patterns of life he has left / is trying to leave behind and this is a real encouragement to strugglers like me. The USP of this book (as the title suggests) is that it goes beyond explaining the principles of a less hurried life and fleshes out a structure for fruitful Christian living.
I am absolutely convinced that we need to intentionally resist the pull of busyness and phone / screen / media addiction. This is foundational for a fruitful Christian life. If you have no time to pray, no energy to invest in friends and family, feel stressed / anxious / depressed, feel tired all the time then get a hold of this book. |
14th June 2023 |
Charlie (our youth worker) kindly gave me a copy of this book which a friend of his has written. It's a really helpful thing.
So many prominent evangelical church leaders have recently been in the news for the wrong reasons. I was particularly saddened by the moral failures of Ravi Zacharias which only surfaced after his death. Serious failures of leadership are often devastating for all of those caught up in them, including the perpetrators.
Honeysett brings much insight and challenge to Christian leadership. At times I was left with a sense of despair as he forced me to consider the impossibility of getting things right but ultimately, this book is enlightening and challenging rather than condemning. For me, the most helpful part of the book is Honeysett's analysis of the spectrum of leadership including five distinct categories three of which are increasingly illegitimate. He shows how Christian leaders can so easily slip into inauthentic and ultimately abusive patterns of of behaviour.
Any Christian leader would benefit from Honeysett's book. Read reflectively, it provides a chance to reflect critically on the health or otherwise of our leadership. It will also help the rest of us to gain an insight into the complexities of leadership and the need to love and pray for church / para-church leaders and find helpful ways to hold them to account. |
30th March 2023 |
Another excellent book addressing the question of homosexuality head on. Hubbard challenges the church to speak with courage, clarity and compassion on this issue and gives plenty of guidance on what we should be saying and thinking about. Quite easy to read and full of pastoral wisdom. Strongly recommended. |
22nd February 2023 |
Well, that resolution didn't work out so well - (Didn't get much time to read in January).
Nevertheless, I have now read this excellent book by Preston Sprinkle (interesting name!). It addresses the issue which has been the most challenging of my ministry and is causing such division in the church - namely how the church should understand homosexual relationships and pastorally engage with LGB people. Of the many books I have read from a variety of perspectives, this is among the best and easiest to engage with. It takes seriously both the bible's teaching and the need to show authentic love for those for whom this is a deeply personal issue. Sprinkle deals with sensitive and complicated issues with rigour yet his book remains fairly easy to read even if the issues are far from easy to process.
Whilst there are points at which I disagree with Sprinkle, these are fairly minor. I am sure that all Christian people, with a high view of the Scriptures, will find this book a great help. It is clear, challenging and handles the Bible in an even-handed and wise manner. If, like me, you are very deeply concerned for people experiencing romantic and sexual attraction to others of the same gender and how the church should welcome, teach, love and disciple them, then this book will be a reliable guide.
3rd January 2023 |
Happy New Year - somewhat embarrassed to realise that I haven't posted anything since October. New Year's resolution is to keep this blog more up to date!
In the last few months I have finished John Mark Comer's remaining books, God has a Name and Love-ology. These are both completely fantastic and i can't recommend them highly enough. The former focuses on the nature of God and the latter explores the bible's teaching on sex and relationships. I have also been ploughing through a massive tome on creation vs evolution - if you want my thoughts on that you'll need to see me after school!
Just before Christmas I promised to provide a recommendation for those of you who want to explore the bible's teaching on giving / generosity / stewardship / possessions / wealth etc. Having done a little research, my top recommendation is Money, Sex and Power by Richard Foster. As the name suggests, it focuses on these three areas where Christians often and sadly get derailed. The whole book is wonderful and deserves to be read and thought through slowly, prayerfully and deeply.
7th October 2022 |
Have now completed another of John Mark Comer's books - My Name is Hope: Anxiety, depression and life after melancholy. Given my own long experience of these emotions I was looking forward to reading this and it didn't disappoint. JMC relates his own experience of these ugly twins, anxiety and depression, and the way in which he has grown through them. So much of his experience resonates with mine which is a great comfort and encouragement. However, he is not satisfied to merely comfort the reader. JMC persuasively yet firmly calls the reader to grow through these challenges into the life of joy and peace that God wants for each of us.
As you'll know form my recent posts, I am very impressed with Comer. His books are very readable yet offer profound insights both into the challenges of modern life and how the bible calls us to respond. He is able to be provocative and challenging whilst remaining winsome and affectionate.
This book is an invitation to life in all its fullness. If, like me, you have a vulnerability to fear and sadness, then you should take the invitation. |
9th September 2022 |
The Queen has died! I am surprised at the sorrow and emptiness I'm experiencing. I feel less secure - as though a plank has been pulled out of my life. Perhaps it is only as we have to adjust to her absence that we'll realise how much of a gift she was to us all. Thank you Ma'am.
During the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations I remarked to someone that it wasn't a big deal to me since I wasn't a supporter of the monarchy. He listened to my reasons respectfully then pointed out that the consequences of abolishing the monarchy would be President Tony Blair (it was over ten years ago). Or, until recently, President Boris Johnson if you prefer! I've been an avid monarchist ever since. |
9th September 2022 |
This is a wonderful book. JMC takes a close look at the three enemies of humanity - the world system, our own human moral weakness and the Devil himself. I believe that every Christian would benefit from reading this book - it is dripping with insights into how these three combine in the modern world to hamper our growth as Christians and wreak havoc and misery in individual lives and society alike.
Comer's basic thesis is that the Devil tempts us with deceptive ideas (lies) about who we are and what we need; these lies appeal to our disordered desires, which are in turn normalised by the world system which surrounds us. Once the devil's strategy is exposed we can begin to fight back. Spiritual disciplines such as scripture reading, prayer, fasting, Christian community are the weapons of choice.
Comer not only explains things simply and convincingly, but also motivates the reader to action. In addition he is warm and, at times, very amusing. Please get this book and read it - it will do you much good. |
23rd August 2022 |
Have decided to work my way through several of JMC's books and not only because he has the same initials as me (although that is a good thing). He is a really good bible teacher and writer. This book focuses on making sense of our work - it's significance and it's place within the lives God wants us to lead. Another enjoyable / easy to read / insightful / wonderful book - I'm now starting Live No Lies - review to follow soon. |
29th July 2022 |
I really like this book. Here are the things I like:
Comer's style is easy and enjoyable to read
He is very honest about his own struggles
Like Comer, and further persuaded by him, I am increasingly convinced that chaotic busyness is enemy number one for people wanting to live a fruitful Christian life
His rules for life are excellent - they inspire me to try to write my own
He's not afraid to challenge the patterns of life that so many of us have fallen into without leaving a bitter taste of condemnation or judgmentalism
At one point he refers to himself as 'JMC' - felt I identified with him at that point
If, like me, your life sometimes (often? always?) feels like a ceaseless striving. If you sometimes (often? always?) feel overwhelmed as you attempt and fail to meet / complete a never ending series of demands / tasks. If you haven't had the time to read a book for years... buy this book, read it (you'll probably enjoy it) and begin the detox process. |
20th July 2022 |
Just finished reading this book which we have been using as the basis for the teaching in our Sunday evening services. Drawing on the teaching of the Puritans, and Thomas Goodwin in particular, Dane Ortlund explores the way Jesus feels towards sinners who reach out to him for forgiveness and renewed strength. I found the contents beautiful and deeply reassuring - at its best this is a wonderful and encouraging book. I should warn you though, it's not a light read; I couldn't help feeling that the book would be much improved by more stories to illustrate and personalise the book's message. Nevertheless, if you're prepared to put the work in, this book has much to encourage those like me who are often grieved by their shortcomings and tempted to wonder if God's patience is wearing thin. Here are some quotes form the book to whet your appetite:
it is impossible for the affectionate heart of Christ to be overcelebrated, made too much of, exaggerated
Jesus Christ is closer to you today than he was to the sinners and sufferers he spoke with and touched in his earthly ministry
Christ gets more joy and comfort than we do when we come to him for mercy and help
Look to Christ. He deals gently with you. It's the only way he knows how to be |
6th July 2022 |
Just finished reading Transformed (an Evangelical Alliance publication). It is subtitled 'A brief biblical and pastoral introduction to understanding transgender in a changing culture'. I found it very helpful - you can access it here |
24 June 2022 |
Click here for a really important article on the relationship between sexual ethics and church growth. If you find this interesting and want to dive deeper into the research then click here, here and here. The vital lesson to learn is that compromising the bible's teaching, how ever well-intentioned, does not lead to church growth. It is usually a strategy adopted by churches which are already declining and does nothing to arrest that decline. |
21 June 2022 |
Recently re-read this excellent little book. Charles Spurgeon was a famous Baptist pastor of the 19th Century. He ministered in South London but his influence was international. Steve Miller has drawn together material from Spurgeon's sermons and writing along with stories from Spurgeon's life on the theme of Christian leadership. The chapter headings indicate the qualities of Spurgeon that Miller wants to see lived out by leaders in our day: a passion for prayer; a faith that endures; a commitment to holiness; a heart for service; a love for the Lord and his word; a willingness to suffer; a zeal for proclaiming God's word; a passion for lost souls.
Spurgeon is a figure I find compelling. His great confidence in God and his great heart for people are truly inspirational. This little book is a great introduction to the man and a wonderful primer on the qualities that every Christian leader must continually hold on to yet so easily fall away. |
24 August 2021 |
Just returning to the office after some holiday and study leave so two book reviews today. |
David Brooks is a popular author and writes columns for the New York Times. One of our church members, Bill McIlroy, gave me this book to read (thanks Bill). It is essentially a book about people who manage to transcend a way of life driven by personal ambition and achievement and instead find deeper fulfilment in a life of self-sacrificial service of others. Along the way he speaks about his own developing if somewhat uncertain Christian faith. It's fascinating read with lots of wonderful, wise and warm observations about human nature and how to live a rich and fruitful life.
Towards the end of the book there are two chapters which focus on building community which resonates very closely with our church's vision statement (Building Authentic, Courageous, Generous Christian Community). There's lots of good material to reflect on which can be applied to PBC - in our own church family, our outreach into the community and particularly our building project. One quote might give you a taste to read the rest of what he has to say:
'A community is healthy when relationships are felt deeply, when there are histories of trust, a shared sense of mutual belonging, norms of mutual commitment, habits of mutual assistance and real affection from one heart and soul to another.' Heavenly Father, may this be true of our church family and may we contribute to bringing it into reality in the other communities of which we are a part.
This is an excellent little book! A little while back I read a fascinating book on sleep (Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker) which got me really interested in this mysterious subject - not least because, like so many I've spoken to, I often have trouble getting my seven to eight hours each night. Geoff Robson has taken some of the contemporary thinking about sleep and embedded it within Christian understanding and teaching. He has done a great job.
Reading this book didn't take very long but it certainly helped me to appreciate the gift of sleep and approach it as an important and beautiful part of a disciplined and fruitful Christian life. Just one little caveat - the chapter on dreams is I think a little on the risk averse side. With that exception I hope this book is widely read and applied to our often over-wrought lifestyles. |
27th July 2021 |
Sorry to go so long without posting - things have been hectic! Anyway, I finished this book a few weeks ago and it certainly got me thinking. Essentially, Scazzero makes a case that Christian leaders encourage people towards spiritual maturity without paying attention to their emotional health. One without the other doesn't work very well. For example, there's not much point encouraging people to get up early for some time with the Lord if we don't examine the pressures and temptations causing them to stay up too late. Equally, our church service can so easily become unhealthy when it is driven by unexamined emotional needs and vulnerabilities. Scazzero is certainly on to something here - highly recommended! |
26th March 2021 |
Being a pastor is a difficult job often because of the complications and expectations pastors unnecessarily place upon themselves. We start out with a calling to change the world for Jesus and set about our ministry with all the enthusiasm, energy and joy that our youthful selves can muster - we can almost taste the revival. There's nothing wrong with that but when reality bites (as it always does in one way or another) we can spend years cartwheeling between romantic ideals and bitter resignation. Eswine is no stranger to this unhappy state and writes words of wisdom, rebuke and healing for pastors caught up in it. He commends a more healthy condition that he calls 'romantic realism'.
This is my new favourite book on pastoral ministry - I wish I'd read it years ago and I'll certainly be reading it again soon. |
2nd February 2021 |
I'm back to work today! Really grateful to everyone who has taken on extra work during my absence, particularly Marilyn. I look forward to seeing many of you over the coming weeks - if only via a computer screen.
I have settled into my new (socially isolated) office at church and will shortly begin preparing my sermon for Sunday morning. Later today I have a meeting with the pastors and then this evening a meeting with the Leadership Team. In other words, I am resuming all the usual routines of ministry. I'm also hoping to make inroads into my bulging email inbox!
From my new vantage point I can clearly see demolition work starting on the Banstead Road site. After years of waiting and wondering, prayer and patience, it is evidence that the next few years will be about prayer and preparation for our new church building and community facilities which should be ready in around four years' time. The future is bright!
In the meantime, like you no doubt, I'm utterly fed up with the Covid restrictions and praying that (please God) they will soon be unnecessary. May the Lord grant us all the patience and faith to endure and stay strong in Him, the humility to learn every lesson He wants to teach us and the hope and joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. |
12th January 2021 |
Chris Giles lent me his copy of Ben Lindsay's We Need to Talk About Race. All the churches I have pastored (including PBC of course) have benefitted greatly from the presence and contribution of a substantial and growing number of BAME members and I have learnt a great deal over the years. I am personally grateful to God for so many who have shown me grace when I've made mistakes and been encouraging and supportive to me - please continue to do so. Where would PBC be without the vibrant contribution of members from so many different cultures and ethnicities? We would be greatly impoverished and much of the joy and fun of church life would be snuffed out.
Nevertheless, the challenges of applying gospel love and gospel justice to an issue where there is so much pain and brokenness are profound. But they must be met head on. So many of our BAME brothers and sisters have painful stories to tell of the most appalling racism (even within the church which makes me want to weep) and live with a constant sense that the system is stacked against them. And that's to say nothing of the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and all that has flowed from that unspeakable wickedness.
Reading this book yesterday brought all these issues to the fore for me, once again. Frankly, I'd prefer not to think about this issue because it makes me very sad and I'm only too aware of my own failures and the failures of my forebears. This all weighs very heavily on me. If it were not for my faith in God's purpose for his children to overcome such deeply rooted societal problems I'd be inclined to run away from this issue. Nevertheless, as the Lord strengthens and guides me, I am determined that PBC becomes ever better at intentionally and sensitively welcoming and including men and women from every 'tribe and tongue'. We have much to discuss, learn and repent of. To that end, I encourage you to read We Need to Talk About Race and give it serious prayerful attention and reflection. May the Holy Spirit teach us all how to love each other across every divide and may the cross of the Lord Jesus break down all our sinful prejudice. |
23rd December 2020 |
Rebecca McLaughlin has written an excellent and readable explanation of authentic Christianity and how it applies to the concerns of contemporary men and women. There is a widespread perception that Christianity is part of an oppressive culture that we want to leave behind. McLaughlin ably, intelligently and winsomely demonstrates that whilst the failures of Christendom are well documented Christianity still offers the best available answers to the questions that we are all asking. Christians will be encouraged by this book - those outside the Christian family might well find it a persuasive invitation to encounter the Lord Jesus for themselves.
In other news - merry Christmas everyone. After a wretched year, may the Christ-child crash into your life bringing unexpected comfort and joy. |
17th December 2020 |
Rob Parsons (of Care for the Family) describes this as 'the book that changed my life', Having read it, I understand why he found it so helpful. Lewis Smedes has written an honest, simple yet profound, and beautifully persuasive account of how his Christian faith not only survives the hardest times but brings meaning and hope. If, like me, you sometimes struggle with life and wonder where God is, this book will be a wonderful encouragement. |
3rd November 2020 |
I've enjoyed working my way through this book over the last couple of months. The short but meaningful reflections on the character of God will both inspire and inform; here is easily readable and yet profound theology. Highly recommended - read one short chapter a day (10 mins at the most) and you'll have much to ponder and pray over. |
25th October 2020 |
This morning I spoke about justice and forgiveness from Romans 12:17-21. For those wishing to think more deeply about the theme of biblical social justice (and its superiority to secular alternatives) have a look at this excellent article by Tim Keller. |
7th August 2020 |
Marvellous reflections on the life of King David from the translator of The Message. Every page drips with insight, wisdom and encouragement. A joy to read. |
9th July 2020 |
Just finished reading this excellent book. The authors achieve a rare feat - the book is theologically robust and eminently practical.
The first half of the book develops a thorough biblical understanding of peace. Reading this developed a real thirst for peace making in me.
The second half of the book applies this clear biblical understanding. Bringing their long experience of peacemaking, reconciliation and pastoral leadership to bear the authors offer a wise and practical guide to making and keeping peace.
I think that every Christian would benefit from reading this. |
23rd June 2020 |
Timothy Tennent has written a wonderful book for students of theology. He ably demonstrates that global Christianity is in growing everywhere except in the traditional heartlands of the West.
He examines the theological issues faced by Christian communities from around the world as they grow in different environments. His basic argument is that it is time for Western bible colleges to catch up with the 'glocal' (ie global yet localised) nature of contemporary Christian theology. |
The book is illuminating and deeply challenging - the chapter on the mission objectives of the Chinese churches is a sharp rebuke to the lethargy and lack of spiritual ambition of the institutions of Western Christianity. As one Chinese church leader puts it: 'the pursuit of doctrinal purity in and of itself only results in legalistic bondage if you have no intention of also obeying God's command to proclaim the gospel throughout the earth.' Do we have that ambition? |
2nd June 2020 |
The senseless and merciless killing of George Floyd is deeply disturbing although tragically it is only one episode in a long-running saga. Surely the wicked mistreatment of black people can't continue like this. Lord, please teach us to treat each other with respect and kindness and fairness. Please make our church family a beacon of welcoming love to all people irrespective of their background.
23rd April 2020 |
Peter Price (retired bishop of Bath and Wells) was baptised some 60 years ago at PBC. He visited one of our evening services some months ago and subsequently I have got to know him a little. He has enjoyed an amazing journey in Christian ministry and has become a passionate advocate for peacemaking.
Peter has authored a number of books. He kindly gave me a copy of his book Things That Make for Peace which I've just finished reading. His commitment to peacemaking (at every level from the personal to the political) pours through the pages of the book and made a big impression on me. |
A significant element of our calling as disciples of Jesus is to make peace. Peacemaking (rather than 'keeping the peace' - the coward's way out of conflict) requires courage, wisdom and creativity. Peter's book will renew your commitment to this vital ministry and give you plenty to chew over in the process.
11th April 2020 |
On Tim Allen's recommendation, I just read a free short online book by Tim Keller entitled How to Reach the West Again. It took me less than an hour to read but I'll be thinking about it for some time; it seems to me that it's a very important book. If you're concerned about how to win people to Christ in our post-Christian culture (and why wouldn't you be?) then this is a great place to start. |
You can access the book here (you'll need to sign up for notifications from 'redeemer city to city' but you can unsubscribe from these whenever you like).
11th April 2020 |
I really enjoyed this book by Andrew Wilson. He makes an impassioned plea for churches to hold together both charismatic and catholic / sacramental / liturgical spiritualities. He argues that by holding these seemingly opposed forms of Christianity together we can be spared from the weaknesses of both and enjoy a lively and substantive form of Christianity. |
Having grown up in a Pentecostal church and attended and ministered mostly in charismatic churches, I have certainly seen the best and (occasionally) the worst that this stream of Christianity has to offer. I really warmed towards Andrew Wilson's desire to build a spirituality that is faithful to scripture, builds unity and incorporates the best of both these two traditions whilst avoiding the dangers of sacramental formalism and charismatic excesses. |
Great 'lockdown' reading for pastors and church leaders.
21st March 2020 |
I finished reading this about a week ago - before the world changed. Welch makes the case that our desperate need for the approval of others and our (often intense) fear of their disapproval can only be addressed when we relate to God properly. |
Welch encourages us to fear God and love people rather than ignoring or domesticating God and fearing people. His approach is provocative; it not only challenges much contemporary psychobabble but also a good deal of sloppy Christian thinking too. |
The 'fear of the Lord' is a biblical theme that we ignore to the detriment of our spiritual health. God cannot be tamed or contained or reduced. When we downgrade our God to a divine spaniel who only exists to placate and soothe us, we lose much, much more than we gain.
20th February 2020 |
David Chilvers drew my attention to this brilliant (and short) essay by C S Lewis on the subject of forgiveness. You can find it here.
Well worth a read and an excellent example of the man's genius.
14th February 2020 |
This is fantastic!
26th November 2019 |
Undoubtedly, evangelism is very challenging, particularly so when we are trying to reach those that we love most and who know us best. I've just finished reading Randy Newman's Bringing the Gospel Home. It's an excellent book full of wisdom and encouragement. It has certainly re-energised me to love and witness to those closest to me. |
The author's honesty is admirable. He readily admits the difficulty of the task and resists the temptation of turning evangelism into a technique or 'sure-fire' scheme (I've had more than enough of these - they are like 'clouds without rain'). Nevertheless, he leaves the reader with many thoughtful suggestions and much inspiration for prayer.
19th September 2019 |
Alain Emerson has written a wonderful book. It comes from his experience of losing his wife a little less than two years into their marriage. He honestly charts his struggles with God and how his faith deepened and his character was formed through profound grief. |
I can't really do the book justice. Suffice to say it's beautiful and terrible and inspiring and disturbing and comforting. Read it and then get your friends to read it.
19th September 2019 |
You may have heard about this book already. Based on extensive research, David Garrison charts the course of 'Jesus movements' among Muslims. It seems that the Lord is doing something very exciting. |
This is an inspiring book. There is much in the way of suggestions how we can 'fan the flames' of God's work through prayer and practical support.
30th August 2019 |
One of Purley Baptist's previous ministers, Rev Bill Channon, has interested me for a number of years. He also ministered at Redhill Baptist Church (my last church). Basil and Doreen Goodchild recently lent me a copy of a book (Come Life, Come Death) of his sermons published after his sudden death in 1970. He died just a few weeks before I was born. I'm sure that you can appreciate why I feel a connection to him.
At both Redhill and Purley Baptist Churches his ministry was exceptionally well received and both churches grew substantially under his leadership. The book reveals a humble, warm, loving and wise pastor and a bold evangelist with a particular impact upon younger people. His example is a profound inspiration to me.
Here are one or two quotes from the book that you might like:
You can never possess peace till you possess Christ. A life outside of Christ is a life outside of peace. There may be excitement, pleasure, success, but peace never!
If a man anchors himself to that which is transient, when it perishes he too will suffer a like fate. God is the only permanent Reality in the universe.
Never yield to despondency whatever the temptation, but remember the grace of God, and go steadily on day by day, smiting at every kind of evil within and without, entertaining no fears, giving no quarter to sin, never resting until the battle is over and the victory won. |
9th August 2019 |
I have just started using a new search engine. Ecosia uses its profits to plant trees. They have recently become 'carbon negative'. You can read more about them here: https://www.ecosia.org/
To make the change go to the “Settings” or “Options” (look for the cog icon!) of your internet browser and look for the search engine option. Ecosia may already be listed as an option. Simply select it as the default and start planting - on average a tree gets planted every 45 searches!
13th June 2019 |
About 60 PBCers had a great time at Spring Harvest back in April. The main speaker was Pete Greig who inspired us and taught us about prayer. Since then I've read his God on Mute and I'm now working on How to Pray. These are great books - really easy to read and full of wisdom about developing a fruitful prayer life. I look forward to reading Dirty Glory.
In other news, I'm currently suffering with shingles. I'd appreciate your prayers and hope you'll forgive me if I'm a bit less visible than usual while I recover. |
18th May 2019 |
Just finished The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Really inspiring book on prayer. Easy to read and very encouraging. Mark wraps his reflections on prayer around his experience particularly that of the dynamic church he leads in Washington. |
18th May 2019 |
Had a great time praying with the rest of the Leadership Team at the beginning of this week. Thanks to everyone who was praying for us as we were praying for the church. I have an increasing passion that PBC develop into a hotbed of passionate and persevering prayer. Why not join us for our monthly 'Thy Kingdom Come' prayer meeting next Wednesday (22nd May) - 8 pm at the church.? |
27th April 2019 |
Looking forward to 'running' the London Marathon tomorrow with fellow 'PBCers' Ashley Cooke and Andy Collis. We're raising money for the excellent work of International Needs in Buikwe, Uganda:
ineeds.org.uk/projects/water-sanitation-and-hygiene-uganda/ |
26th April 2019 |
Spent an excellent day at the London School of Theology participating in their annual research conference. Several excellent papers given - much food for thought. It was great to meet Professor Pete Ward of Durham University (author of several very well received books - do check them out) and hear his thoughts about celebrity and theology. |
28th February 2019 |
The Bible Project is the best web resource for bible study that I'm aware of. Their site includes an excellent bible reading plan (you'll need to scroll all the way to the foot of the home page). Strong recommendation - spend some time looking here: thebibleproject.com |
22nd February 2019 |
Finished another excellent book. Glynn Harrison (formerly a professor of psychiatry at Bristol University) offers guidance for Christians as they attempt to negotiate the widening gulf between Christian sexual ethics and those of mainstream culture. As he rightly observes there is much more pastoral reflection to be done but his book is an excellent and very readable starting point.
19th February 2019 |
I just finished reading Soul Keeping by John Ortberg. The pace and accompanying strain of modern life can so easily choke our souls - this wonderful book offers invaluable insights into living a life of joy and peace.
Highly recommended. |