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Pastoral care

In a large, thriving church, the pastoral care of church members and regular attendees is shared among many people. It takes place in various contexts, with Life Groups playing an important part and individuals providing support for one another on a regular basis. All church members are encouraged to care for one another as members of the Body of Christ. 

The Pastoral Care Team comprised of ministers and some church members, also responds to crises and provides one-to-one care and counsel. Meet the team:

Tim Allen 2023 COLLINS James 3x4 2024 Lala Olumide small 2011 Chilvers David small LAWSON Grace
Tim Allen James Collins Olumide Lala David Chilvers Grace Lawson
Curniffe Pam 7x5 2023 Curniffe Errol small 2023 Murphy gill Ginger Jenny 2018  
Pam Curniffe Errol Curniffe Gill Murphy Jenny Ginger  

If you have a prayer request or a pastoral matter to discuss in confidence, please speak to one of the team or email and we will respond as quickly as we can.

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