Church membership is for those who have committed to following Jesus Christ (usually including total immersion baptism) and who believe God has called them to belong and serve in this church.
Why Church Membership?
Membership helps build a strong church made up of people who are prepared to commit time, energy, finance, and their spiritual gifts and talents to build up the body of Christ
Membership shows a sincerity of commitment to Christ and to His people. It is a demonstration of personal commitment as declared in baptism
Church members are committed to the things of God and therefore are actively involved in church ministries
Church members are called to prayerfully discern God’s will for their shared life.
Church Meetings
Church meetings make significant appointments, including ministers, and agree financial policy and mission. Final authority does not rest with the ministers, leadership team, or any other local, national, or international body, but with the members’ meeting together under God’s guidance. The membership meets 4 times over the year. A quorum (minimum number of members) must be present to conduct the business
Interested in becoming a member?
We would be delighted to talk to you about membership. Please
contact us if you would like to discuss this with a pastor.